Quick contact info

LES Energy Services is a Nigerian indigenous company founded in 2007. With a Corporate office in Lagos and a maintenance & Training Base as we as Fabrication Yard in Port Harcourt.

icon_widget_image Monday-Friday: 8am to 5pm; icon_widget_image Plot 32 Block 100, Furo Ezimora Street, Lekki Scheme 1, Lekki Lagos, Nigeria.‎ icon_widget_image +234(0)1 270 0290 +234(0)8 470 0130 icon_widget_image sales@lesenergy.net info@lesenergy.net
LES ENERGY @ NOG 2024 EXHIBITION | CONFERENCE Nigeria's Oil & Gas Industry ENGINEERING THE FUTURE OF LES ENERGY @ NOG 2024 EXHIBITION | CONFERENCE LES Energy & Dräger At NOG 2023, ICC - Abuja CONSTRUCTIONS CUTTING-EDGE LES Energy & Dräger At NOG 2023, ICC - Abuja Driven By Technology Hydrotesting, Re-certification, Calibration, Spares and full spread equipment maintenance. At LES Energy Services, we are SAFETY SOLUTIONS Dräger Detection & Protection

LES Energy

LES Energy Services is an indigenous Nigerian company, driven by technology in providing Engineering, Procurement, Construction, Onshore and Offshore Installation (EPCI), Maintenance and Training services to various sectors. Our rapid growth and profitability have been direct results of our investment in innovation, professional & technical enhancement and adaptability to all our markets.

Our belief system is integral to

How We Work


Looking into the future


To dominate our chosen sectors and disciplines and hold a market position ahead of our competitors in these areas.


Achieving Market Leadership


Our Mission is to be the recognized Performance Leader in our industry, dominate our chosen sectors and disciplines and hold a market position ahead of our competitors in these areas.


Our Core Values


Quality, Relationship, Integrity, Commitment, Ethics and Safety

Environment, Health and Safety

Our processes are run in line with international best practises and we have been certified to ISO 9001:2015 (QMS), ISO 45001:2018 (OHSAS) and ISO 14001:2015 (EMS) by BSI.

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